As the largest healthcare provider for the uninsured or underinsured in the Houston region, Harris Health System is stretched beyond capacity 365 days a year.

The system’s Ben Taub and Lyndon B. Johnson hospitals are constantly over capacity.

The situation is dire. Houston only has two adult Level I trauma centers and needs at least four per national standards. Dallas has four and San Antonio has two even though their populations are smaller.

Harris Health has not added a new hospital in 34 years; Harris County’s population has grown by almost 70% during that time. Additionally, Harris County still has healthcare deserts. We must expand our capacity to provide access to people in all neighborhoods.

The implementation of Harris Health’s strategic plan is crucial to the wellbeing of our community, especially of those most vulnerable. At its completion, the system will have added a new adult Level I trauma hospital, renovated two other hospitals, and built three additional community clinics.

Harris Health Strategic Fund is leading the efforts to raise $100 million in support of the Harris Health System. The success of the campaign is a key piece to the execution of the 10-year strategic plan.

Public Bonds
$2,500 million
Harris Health Savings
$300 million
Harris Health Strategic Fund
$100 million
$2,900 million
The initiatives supported by the campaign will drive impactful change across the county:
The new hospital on the LBJ campus and the new community clinics will expand capacity for primary, emergency, and inpatient care, creating a more connected and efficient system that is decades overdue. The new hospital will grow Houston’s adult Level I trauma capacity by 50%.
Investment will be multiplied in savings, efficiencies, and improved outcomes for individuals across the region and for public and private health institutions. Private emergency rooms will receive fewer uninsured patients, decreasing the cost to taxpayers and reducing bottlenecks in treatment.
Together, the investment will move Harris County to the forefront of public health in the U.S. by expanding the excellent healthcare Houston is known for worldwide.
To make a charitable contribution, please visit our Donate page.
Campaign Progress
Thank you to all donors and funders for investing in a healthier Harris County. We are working towards our $100 million goal.
as of December 2023
John M. O’Quinn Foundation

The Cullen Foundation
HCHD Foundation
Beth Robertson